The Wind of Change

September 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

The wind is howling tonight. Things are rattling and shaking, the wind screeches through every nook and cranny. If I close my eyes I can feel the wind blowing from behind, blowing my hair in front of my face. I lean back to balance myself against the wind.

It's not really the wind that I am thinking about. It's the enormous rush of life, it's anxieties, troubles, worries, issues and neverending ugly, sad and plain downright awful and messy problems.

The list is endless... Barrier Reef; CSG; selling off Australian land; destruction of old growth forests; global warming; suicidal farmers; incredibly stupid polititians; extermination of brumbies; refugees; zika virus......

It's Sodom and Gomorrah.... just don't look back at the world... keep walking forward - eyes to the front.

What are the 7 cardinal sins?  hubristic pride, greed, lust, malicious envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.  The world is full of it.

There are 7 virtues too: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope and charity. The world is not full of these.

How to deal with this stuff swamping my head.... make a cup of tea, select a favourite biscuit, cuddle up in a warm blanket and watch something soothing.

Now if the wind would just comply and stop howling all would be ok...

apropos the movie...'The Hours'... well, it wasn't something soothing of course.  I've watched it a few times and it is always as strange as the first time I watched it.   I have the book but have never read it, maybe I should?





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